I had a nice little bit stored up but decided its worth to be equivalent to the sum of every thing else I’ve written up till now. I’m trying real hard not to pander but I’m just not sure any of this will come across connecting with its namesake.
You’d never know there was a delay but that’s the whole point of this in the first place; complete transparency. I came to realize I’ve taken “pander” for granted. I looked it up and now I reflect on how many times I’ve probably come off as a pretentious prick in high school. Then again, I was probably considered as such for any number of other reasons. I still am. I have the hardest time staving off the initial dismissal of the masses whenever interaction is mandated. It’s just easier to consider them incompetent. So much time is wasted on them. Thought, wasted, and for what?
That got pretty dark pretty quickly huh? No wonder I don’t have any friends. So, the whole point of this was because I’d started using facebook as a soap box. Again. Unfortunately, tumblr’s harder to come by in this place. Restrictions.
The news wasn’t a surprise. I’m more irate that I now have to find a new venue for subterfuge. It’s hard pretending to feel normal but it works when it works and for that and hopefully only in this short span I do hope to stay blissfully ignorant.
And with fractured attention we find yet another abrupt ending.