So I'm going to try something new from now on. A little structure to the usual randomness of this blog. Something I'm not ashamed can very well be attributed to my not all that recent discovery of Daily Grace. If you don't know, you're MISSING OUT but this isn't about that at the moment. For now, here goes the premise of "Throwback Thursdays" or "THRTHURs" for short, generally on Thursdays I'll do my best to dig into the cesspool of old ways and post some of the stuff that brought me to this point. If you don't know, I tend to write excessive amount of stuff. Well, imagine this, back in the day, I use to write EVEN MORE! But that's again not important for right now. So, here's the first of perhaps many, enjoy.
Circa: June 2nd 2008 titled "AHH!!!" via Facebook Notes
by Morribb Tyler Lehrer on Monday, June 2, 2008 at 2:50pm
That's my first away message. I have 57 away messages currently and that doesn't include the two that can't be deleted. I write such idiocy in complete and utter disregard for structure, reference, citation, or feelings. This has got to be a problem, yet it never seems that way till it's all over. Like a flash whatever has left becomes something of its own accord and I'm left able to do nothing but watch it become a figment in cyberspace. I hate the sight...
Now playing: The Vogues - Five O'Clock World
via FoxyTunes