So I'm on my first day at a new job and I'm suffering from the same anxious/nervous cocktail that plagues anyone on their first day. Tossing around worries of being fired on the first day by doing something so terribly wrong that they realize there is precedent for claiming someone as a natural disaster. Am I that clumsy? No, but still, new place, new responsibilities, and your mind jumps to worst case till things become familiar.
Any way, so I'm on a break and stop by the bathroom since quite frankly I'm pretty vain. But really it'd just been a while and I need to urinate. Moving on, it's one heck of a site, this bathroom. The only thing that needs to be touched is the handle to open the door on the way in and the paper towels. Everything's automated down to the soap. THE F*CKING SOAP! Now sure it's snazzy and all but that brings me to the point of this little writeup.
Automated soap. Sure it's great in theory but as I placed my hand under the nozzle just so a predeterminant amount of a thick white liquid could squirt into my hand I couldn't help but feel awkward. At first it was a nice thrill since it's that next cog in technological advancement. But then after a week or so of it, well, it just kind of gets to you. Not so much just the act but the sound it makes when it happens as well as what's going on. YES, it makes a sound as soap is released from it.
Needless to say I had my first moment of contemplation of the evils of continued developments. My first in a while actually. Giving sight to a blind woman with one of her teeth, making cats glow in the dark, etc. All that stuff and I didn't even think twice. But this? This just made me feel strange. Like I was being violated. I really started to debate whether it was worth it to be spared a couple germs being spread which quite frankly would be washed off by the soap in the first place. I never thought I'd be saying this but I'll be damned, I miss manual soap dispensers. Though I guess if they just dispensed foam like some of the manual ones have then I guess that could eleviate things as well, go figure.