It's not like it takes a genius to figure out why my updates are so sporadic. I spend so much time in my head that it's near impossible for me to do more than be a leaf in the wind. Sometimes inspiration hits and sometimes it just doesn't. Been looking into a tablet for just that reason. Maybe catch some of those epiphanies as they happen so that I can transfer later. Pen and paper just doesn't seem to work to well in my "active" lifestyle. Makes you wonder how the manifesto's coming doesn't it? Anyway, I guess I'll have to stop being lazy and just get to it. Shout outs to the Android market. Lets see if that'll alleviate some of the issue. All that said and done...
I swear if I ever find a female who doesn't refer to Manhattan as NYC, I'll marry her.
Listening to: All The Shine by Childish Gambino