War." ...WAR! What is it good for? Aboslutely..." if you say nothing I'll pop you one. That's the general thought that comes to mind when I hear that ever popular phrase being uttered. There are so many people in my country that are so quick to fall in to the craze of war being EVIL and how we should all just give PEACE a chance. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for peace and I've heard all the rationale in the world including but not limited to the big one about life without it would make peace so much less...meaningful.
The next you hear that song being sung or the strings of anti war being pulled on the basis that such scrimmages don't accomplish anything, I'd like to implore you to think about the Civil War, American Revolution, the World Wars, and any other wars that have been fought to preserve the rights of the oppressed. There is more to the world than many would like to ever admit. There is meaning in spades in what ever may occur in our history. Try to remember that is all I ask.
Listening to: I Hate Christmas in LA by Ethan Newberry