So I'm kind of a geek I guess you could say? I like comic books and etc. And just recently I realized just how ludicrous some things really are. This ''rant'' will be short though since really, it's more laughable than anything else.
ANYway, so if you aren't aware, there are FOUR earth-born Green Lanterns. In canon, in the whole Green Lantern mythos, there are four (technically five but for the sake of argument we're taking members of the Green Lantern Corps as opposed to those who've developed their powers via magic, etc. although in earnest that particular 'Lantern' in question fits the point I'm about to make as well *cough cough Alan Scott cough cough* ...moving on) Green Lanterns. Big deal right? Earthlings kick butt. It's nice to know that even though in the history Earth is way behind the curve, our people can hold their own with the rest of them. Here's where it gets to me though. The rings choose their 'masters,' if you will. Now on the entire planet of billions of people all four just so happen to be from the same continent?
Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner. All Green Lanterns, all American. It's kinda funny. It's like saying that the best the world has to offer is American. Now, they are American heroes so obviously that's all it is. I sincerely doubt that they were made that way on purpose but, it's kinda laughable, no?
Well just thought I'd share that little thought that was floating around my head. Thanks for the pageview.
Hearing: Impossible by Anberlin