This is going to be a bit informal this time so please bear with me. Instead of focusing on a particular idea we're going to be talking about the concept of "2.0" itself. I feel it's necessary to establish that there won't be a "3.0." Unlike the standing scheme of developments the "2.0" is just the designator. It just refers to what comes next. To any who follow this site, past or present, that may have not been necessary to dive into but well now, it was. It's important to make that completely clear so that the progression has the footing necessary to do just that. Progress onward. That said, let's get into it.
I'm old. By the time this has been read I will have gotten even older. By the time I finish this draft and prepare for publication I will be old. The construct that we call time makes it so. What's the significance in that though? Simple. It has taken me this long to realize that my youth was wasted. Innovation has eclipsed me. All the ideas, theories I threw around in my youth are either in development or being fielded. To put it into perspective, cellular phones didn't become standard till I was in high school. I remember my first interaction with computers being in my third to last year in elementary school. The two-tone screens. Color images and functionality beyond simple word processing didn't make their way to the student body till a few years later. It was an interesting time to be alive. Just the taste of that new tech alone really riled up within me a love that I still feel even now. Desire. Desire and inspiration that would cause me to look at the world and wonder how to make things more efficient. Had I the knowledge and tools, perhaps I would've achieved inventor status instead of just casual ponderer. Sucks my sketching ability was so shoddy as well but that's another thing entirely. It'll come back up as I start to publish my old black book files in the Throwback Thursdays since they're so outdated there's little else to do with the machinations. Not as though I was saving them for anything really anyway. But what does this now have to do with the main focus? Simple. It was the where we are. We're at the point where the world has surpassed my generation's idea of innovation. The tech is out there and a cursory glance on any search engine will reveal just that fact. So where to now?
It's a frightening place to be when new studies come out that seem almost indistinguishable from "magic." It's not an easy place to find one's self especially having spent a life feeling disappointed that the gap between what is and what's desired seemed to vast. As someone who prides themselves on the what's the come, a futurist of sorts, is it any surprise that this reality is so hard to face? For the first time in decades it's unclear what's coming next. What steps will be taken, how technology will continue to develop, how human intellect will evolve. It's scary. But then our face hurts so bad. Can't help but smile. Ear to ear. Finally, a challenge. And now us with the tools to perhaps finally do something about the ideas so they don't just sit in tomb collecting dust as in years passed. Welcome to the start of emptylamb 2.0.
Let us go unto this new horizon together and explore just what it means to be.