Neo-economics. By no way, shape, or form do I have a share holding on the term. But the ideas fall in line so this kind of just title's itself. They all do really. So, what is neo-economics? Well let's take it apart and find out shall we?
Neo. Taken directly from, neo is, "a combining form meaning 'new,' 'recent,' 'revived,' 'modified,' used in the formation of compound words." Fairly self explanatory. Which then leaves the second half. Economics. Again from the same source economics is defined as, "the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind" Breaking them down into their parts helps establish just what this is and how it falls under the 2.0 category. This is as the leading identifier implies, a look into what's next. What's possible if those who dream are allowed. So, with this concept that's generically abstract where can we go? The answer is simple, anywhere. But, for the sake of this little venture I'd like to present a new system to consider. Please do take the time to enjoy this differing perspective as I hope it does the job of furthering the spirit of innovation.
As a citizen of a free-market society, a capitalist society, it's easy to see how the system could use improvement. To simply deem it flawed and offer no alternative would be juvenile in its lack of productive contribution to life's betterment. To which I bring forward something different. New may be the word I'm searching but I'd be remiss if not incredibly egotistical to believe such ideas have never crossed the minds of anyone before me. Percentiled Input Advancement or PIA. Sadly not terribly catchy but were it, I'd have probably gone with such instead of a blanket term like Neo-economics. But that's hardly the point. PIA is.
PIA revolves around the idea of people working. Securing employment and doing the tasks assigned to them. However, as opposed to earning a wage, we see a shift to something even more digitized. A system of development that allows the employee to percentisize their input into their company into fields of their choosing. For instance, an employee chooses from tiers (which they will be able to customize based on their preferences and then once the terms have been agreed upon they will work. As they make progress along that goal, the tier items will be furnished to them. They can devote one to one hundred percent of their efforts/input into material items or even investments. From there it becomes a numbers game. Instead of currency, ventures will be decided by the interest of the people. Instead of the gross abuses that seem inherent in the belief that money, tangible or otherwise can elicit power, we have a system that's based solely on the effort one puts into their work.
As long as one produces they will have all they require. If they desire more, they will have the option of "upgrade" upon completing their initial tasking. If they are no longer able to complete their task or have ceased to make any progress they will lose additional luxuries attributed them by the tier they worked but haven't completed. I believe this system could have truly far reaching potential if tooled just right. With the onset of an age where technological advances in precision and automation have changed the face of the era, a system like this could help mitigate the transition into a utopia state.
The development of the idea is endless but the furtherment of such development has never been much of the point of these 2.0s. At least not yet anyway. For right now it is merely a place for thoughts, fragments really. A look at a picture of varying size from a differing angle. Glancing toward that place just over the horizon. The adventure that awaits in this oh so unpredictable reality. And hopefully, that which provokes though. Take care.